Planetary gearbox based on a two-crown satellite with the internal gearing rows: theory and application in creating the self-breaking winches and test benches
Authors: Pozhbelko V.I. | Published: 21.01.2025 |
Published in issue: #1(778)/2025 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Machine Science | |
Keywords: single-satellite planetary gearbox, two-crown satellite, internal engagements, redundant connections |
Planetary gearboxes are equipped with satellites performing a complex motion, their different variants expand the range of the kinematic capabilities and the role of application in the mechanical engineering. The paper proposes a new family of single- and double-row small-sized planetary gearboxes without the redundant connections. They are constructed on the basis of a two-crown satellite with two rows of the internal teeth entering into two internal engagements with a movable and fixed central gear. A design methodology for the single-satellite planetary gearboxes of a new type is developed, and examples of its application in creation of the safe self-braking winches for lifting and lowering the hazardous goods (with simple and reliable design without brakes) and brakeless benches for the planetary running-in and testing the freely installed and kinematically fixed gear wheels are given.
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