Some Aspects of Increasing the Efficiency of Automated Production Lines
Authors: Amirov F.G. | Published: 15.09.2020 |
Published in issue: #9(726)/2020 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Manufacturing Engineering | |
Keywords: automated production lines, productivity calculation method, number of sections, flow separators, number of adjusters, buffer capacity |
The article examines the development of mathematical models of automated production lines to determine their efficiency, depending on the following parameters: the number of sections and the number of steams in each section, the number and type of storage buffers, and the number of adjusters. Some issues related to the theory of automated line performance at the design and operation stage are also considered. The existing methods for calculating the efficiency of automated production lines are considered as a stage-by-stage design process, and the necessary decision making rules are defined. It is noted that the technological process is specified in the form of technological transitions. A method for obtaining the lower and upper estimates of productivity and the availability factor are developed. The proposed method involves using computers and assumes, as initial data, the availability of analytical solutions for calculating the efficiency of elementary modules that the automated line is comprised of. Integrated automation leads to improved efficiency of the automated line, better quality of the finished product, and a reduced manufacturing cycle. ed for publication
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