The structure of the Simulation Model of the Probabilistic Process of Forming the Accuracy of the Required Dimensions
Authors: Denchik A.I., Kasenov A.Zh., Galinovsky A.L., Musina Zh.K., Abishev K.K., Tkachuk A.A. | Published: 29.05.2022 |
Published in issue: #6(747)/2022 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Manufacturing Engineering | |
Keywords: accuracy of required dimensions, scale factor, probabilistic model, simulation modeling, functionally significant technological disturbance |
A difficulty of ensuring the required accuracy of the product lies in the need to take into account many factors that affect the technological process of its manufacture and cause certain operational errors. Hence, it is advisable to use probabilistic and statistical methods, the versatility of which allows them to be used for solving a wide range of scientific and technical problems. The probabilistic approach to the forming the accuracy of the required product dimensions is a promising area of research, as it allows analyzing the general laws of the of the technological process kinetics, regardless of the physical and mechanical properties of materials, the shaping method, the features of the metal-cutting tool, etc. At the same time, the probabilistic approach allows the random nature of the influence of numerous factors on the formation of the accuracy of required dimensions to be integrally taken into account by determining the most probable result or probability value in a particular outcome of a particular test - a technological operation. The concept of a functionally significant technological perturbation of the process of forming a required size is used as the basis for solving the problem, leading to the appearance of a corresponding manufacturing error.
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