Justification of the method for production of the 2NiCuMn 38-2V alloy bars to manufacture parts for the electrovacuum devices working area
Authors: Golovkin P.A. | Published: 02.03.2023 |
Published in issue: #3(756)/2023 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Manufacturing Engineering | |
Keywords: electrovacuum devices, vacuum melting, fusible impurities, cold drawing, rotary forging of bars, grain boundaries |
The paper considers critical features of the chemical composition of the 2NiCuMn 38-2V alloy bars material, which could affect vacuum purity of the electrovacuum devices working area. Taking into consideration peculiarities of the electrovacuum devices manufacture technology, it is shown that the use of cold-drawn bars in manufacturing parts of their working area is technically unreasonable. It is noted that instead of the cold-drawn bars, bars obtained by hot rotational forging could be used.
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