Approach to controlling the surface crack height in products made of structural ceramics
Authors: Minin S.I., Rusin M.Yu., Terekhin A.V., Chulkov D.I., Filatov A.A. | Published: 04.02.2024 |
Published in issue: #2(767)/2024 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Methods and Devices for Monitoring and Diagnosing Materials, Products, Substances | |
Keywords: constructional ceramics, technological control, crack height, ultrasonic wave, diffraction of ultrasonic waves, the amplitude of the bottom signal |
Manufacture of products made of structural ceramics faces high probability of cracks formation leading to the product destruction even under the minor operation loads. In this regard, cracks in products made of structural ceramics are not allowed. Surface cracks could be removed at the stage of such products machining, and they are not rejected, if the crack height is lower than the machining depth. Therefore, in order to reduce the number of defects in manufacturing products of the ceramic materials, an important and urgent task is to develop a method for prompt non-destructive testing of the surface cracks height making it possible to obtain information and make a decision on possible mechanical modification of the ceramic product workpiece. The paper presents results of developing an ultrasonic method to determine the surface cracks height in products made of quartz ceramics and glass ceramics, which allows for technological control of the surface cracks height by the non-destructive method using a direct ultrasonic transducer with one-sided access to the test object surface.
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