Geometrical criterions of origination and calculation of the useful specific provisions for structural-parametric synthesis of the lever linkages with backlashes
Authors: Pozhbelko V.I. | Published: 01.04.2024 |
Published in issue: #4(769)/2024 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Robots, Mechatronics and Robotic Systems | |
Keywords: mechanism with backlashes, hinge mechanism, closed loop, special provisions, lever linkage synthesis |
Harmful specific provisions could appear in mechanisms and manipulators with the closed kinematic chain used in the mechanical engineering. The paper proposes an approach to creating efficient mechanisms; it consists in synthesizing a multi-hinge mechanism with the useful special provisions. The following algorithm was developed to solve the problem of singular analysis and synthesis of a multi-hinge mechanism with parallel axes of the cylindrical hinges made with real structural backlashes in the rotational kinematic pairs. Step 1: constructing a general diagram with various possible areas of the dimensionless metric parameters to determine all possible options for assembling a closed loop. Step 2: complex structural-parametric synthesis of the hinge mechanisms with relative lengths of the lever links required according to the dimensionless diagram and their relative position in assembling a closed loop. Step 3: creation of workable mechanisms with the useful specific areas at the invention level. Application of the developed algorithm was demonstrated using the examples of the parallelogram/anti-parallelogram mechanism of variable structure, new crank-rocker mechanisms and new type of the vibration-impact mechanism.
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