Establishment of the preliminary tool running-in criterion at the stainless steel milling
Authors: Vaniev E.R., Dzhemilov E.Sh., Temindarov I.E., Skakun V.V. | Published: 23.10.2024 |
Published in issue: #11(776)/2024 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Technology and Equipment for Mechanical and Physico-Technical Processing | |
Keywords: running-in criterion, secondary hardened structures, lubricating and cooling technological substances, running-in wear, cutting force component |
The paper presents results of establishing the preliminary tool running-in criterion for each of the studied medium. Such running-in ensures control in automated production over formation of the secondary hardened structures on the contact surfaces during cutting with various lubricating and cooling technological substances to achieve the maximum hardening degree. The research results in establishing correlation between alteration in the running-in wear curve and the cutting force. The paper demonstrates that completion of the hardened secondary structures formation on the tool contact surfaces is accompanied by a decrease in the cutting force components and alteration in the wear curve slope. It shows that the mechanism of the hardened layers formation on tool surfaces in the castor oil medium differs from the other considered lubricating and cooling technological substances.
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