Potential Conceptual Developments for the Improvement of Transport Internal Combustion Engines
Authors: Bogdanov V.I., Kholmanova M.A. | Published: 02.11.2020 |
Published in issue: #11(728)/2020 | |
Category: Energy and Electrical Engineering | Chapter: Heat Engines | |
Keywords: internal combustion engine, constant volume combustion chamber, binary cycle, gear box, air-independent power plant |
New conceptual solutions are required to significantly improve combustion engine efficiency. For example, the use of the outboard spool combustion chamber of constant volume and the separation of the compression and expansion processes in the internal combustion engine can provide multi-fuel capability, a significant increase in efficiency and an opportunity to exclude or significantly simplify the gear box. The implementation of a binary cycle including heat loss recovery in two additional strokes supporting the steam cycle increases efficiency and solves the cooling problem of the combustion engine. The binary cycle is most effective in air-independent power plants of underwater objects with a limited reserve of oxidizers.
The presence of a separate oxidizer makes it possible to achieve high capacity by increasing the simultaneous supply of oxidant, fuel and water to the steam part of the cycle. In order to qualitatively improve the characteristics of the combustion engine, a system analysis of the developed technical solutions is also required, followed by an integrated implementation.
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