Computational Analysis of the Dynamic Qualities of a Diesel Engine and a Tracked Vehicle
Authors: Markov V.A., Barchenko F.B., Neverov V.A., Savastenko A.A., Lotfullin Sh.R. | Published: 04.03.2022 |
Published in issue: #3(744)/2022 | |
Category: Energy and Electrical Engineering | Chapter: Heat Engines | |
Keywords: diesel engine, four-stroke cycle, two-stroke cycle, external speed characteristic, dynamic engine qualities, tracked vehicle acceleration |
Power and dynamic characteristics are the most important indicators of internal combustion engines and vehicles equipped with them. The article considers a method for improving these indicators by transferring a four-stroke engine to work on a two-stroke cycle in modes with low rotational frequencies and the indicators of the dynamic qualities of a diesel engine and a vehicle. A dynamic model of a diesel engine and a tracked vehicle is proposed. Computational studies of the acceleration dynamics of a tracked vehicle weighing 6000 kg, equipped with a base D-245 diesel engine (4 ChN 11.0/12.5) and a modernized engine that can be switched from a four-stroke cycle to a two-stroke cycle in modes with low rotational speed, have been carried out. An analysis of the calculation results showed that when the base diesel engine was replaced with an upgraded one, the acceleration time of the tracked vehicle to a speed of 54.85 km/h went down by 12.4 %, and the acceleration distance decreased by 15.3 %.
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