Computational study of the diesel fuel ignition dose effecting the gas-diesel engine operation process
Authors: Kuleshov A.S., Markov V.A., Furman V.V., Plakhov S.V. | Published: 14.12.2022 |
Published in issue: #12(753)/2022 | |
Category: Energy and Electrical Engineering | Chapter: Heat Engines | |
Keywords: gas engine, gas-diesel engine, petroleum diesel fuel, natural gas, electronic fuel supply control system, fuel efficiency indicators |
Relevance of the article is determined by the need to replace petroleum diesel fuel with motor fuels obtained from the alternative raw materials. Natural gas is considered as the promising alternative fuel. Using the DIESEL-RK software package, computational studies were made of the diesel fuel ignition dose effect on the operation process of the 6 ChN 31.8/33 locomotive gas-diesel engine. The engine diesel and its gas-diesel cycles with the ignition dose of diesel fuel equal to 5, 10, 15 and 20% were determined. Differences in the efficiency values ??of the diesel engine under study with alteration in the diesel fuel ignition dose were not exceeding 2.7%. Diesel engine conversion to the gas-diesel cycle made it possible to significantly reduce the smoke from exhaust gases (to 90%), as well as the specific mass emissions with the exhaust gases of nitrogen oxides (to 18%) and carbon dioxide (to 23%). Expediency of changing the diesel fuel ignition dose of a gas-diesel engine with alteration in the speed and load modes of its operation was noted.
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