Development of a Technique for Filling Pneumatic Automation Device Chambers During Pneumatic Vacuum Tests
Authors: Aliev A.R. | Published: 23.02.2022 |
Published in issue: #3(744)/2022 | |
Category: Energy and Electrical Engineering | Chapter: Hydraulic Machines and Hydropneumatic Units | |
Keywords: gas filling technique, pneumatic vacuum tests, leak tests, filling the chamber with gas, automation of the process |
The article considers an automated system for filling the pneumatic automatic device working chambers with gas during leak tests. A new algorithm for the filling process is proposed allowing significant reduction of the duration of tests by increasing the intensity of heat exchange. The processes of filling the working chamber with gas according to the standard and developed algorithms are compared. It has been found that the proposed algorithm, when checking the tightness of the product, provides a significant reduction in the time of filling the chamber with gas, excluding significant fluctuations in the gas temperature and stresses inside the product material.
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