Mathematical model of the multi-cylinder diesel engine dry starting process
Authors: Grachev V.V., Grischenko A.V., Bazilevsky F.Y., Fedotov M.V., Panchenko M.N. | Published: 30.10.2023 |
Published in issue: #11(764)/2023 | |
Category: Energy and Electrical Engineering | Chapter: Turbomachines and Piston Engines | |
Keywords: instantaneous angular speed, electric motor starter current, moment of inertia, mechanical loss moment, simulation error, relative deviation |
Characteristic feature of most small high-speed diesel engines is the absence of indicator valves to connect the intra-cylinder pressure measurement means excluding the possibility of using diagnostic methods based on the working process indicator diagrams analysis to monitor their technical condition. This circumstance determines the relevance of developing the other methods to monitor technical condition of the cylinder-piston group in the transport diesel engines. Many of these methods are based on visual analysis of the starter current alteration curves or (less commonly) the crankshaft instantaneous angular speed during the dry starting. Development of the automatic diagnostic algorithms is impossible without a preliminary study of the diesel engine dry starting process using an expanded mathematical model to establish the influence of various factors on the curve parameters of the crankshaft instantaneous angular speed and the starter electric motor current. Mathematical model of the diesel engine dry starting process is proposed, it includes three models: working process in the cylinder, crankshaft motion during dry starting and starter motor electrical circuit. The mathematical model adequacy was verified by comparing results of simulation and bench tests of the D50 locomotive diesel. It was established that the cylinder pressure simulation error was not exceeding 6.5%, and the electric motor starter instantaneous speed and current was not exceeding 2%. The developed model could be introduced to solve a wide range of problems related to monitoring the cylinder-piston group state of a diesel engine during the pre-start dry starting.
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