Computational Study of Dynamic Qualities of the Combined Power Plant with a Piston Engine
Authors: Markov V.A., Barchenko F.B., Sleptsov O.N., Trifonov V.L., Ostroukhov A.A. | Published: 09.02.2024 |
Published in issue: #2(767)/2024 | |
Category: Energy and Electrical Engineering | Chapter: Turbomachines and Piston Engines | |
Keywords: combined power plant, piston engine, gas turbine supercharging system, power turbine, drive compressor, dynamic qualities |
Static and dynamic indicators of the automatic systems controlling the rotating speed of the combined power plants with piston engines are the main indicators in their performance. These indicators could be improved by selecting the optimal connection scheme for these system elements: piston part, turbine and compressor. The paper analyses design schemes of the combined power plants with a piston engine. The D6N diesel engine operating as part of a diesel generator set was chosen as the study object. Mathematical model was developed of a combined engine with the gas turbine supercharging system and the rotating speed controller. Dynamic qualities of an engine with the gas turbine supercharging system was assessed in comparance with the engine equipped with a power turbine and the drive compressor. Replacing the gas turbine supercharging system of the engine under study with a power turbine and the drive compressor made it possible to reduce the transition process duration from 3.07 to 2.82 s. At the same time, the GOST R 55231–2012 requirements were met setting the transient process maximum time at the 3 s level for the second accuracy class control systems. The rotation speed dip in the transient process increased from 2.3 to 2.6%. However, such overregulation was significantly lower than the maximum overregulation value (7.5%) allowed by GOST R 55231–2012.
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