Improving ecological performance of a medium-speed diesel engine by introducing the three-phase fuel supply
Authors: Ryzhov V.A., Shatrov M.G., Ionin V.E., Varshavsky A.A. | Published: 01.03.2024 |
Published in issue: #3(768)/2024 | |
Category: Energy and Electrical Engineering | Chapter: Turbomachines and Piston Engines | |
Keywords: medium-speed diesel engine, plunger pair, high-pressure fuel pump, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, three-phase fuel supply |
In connection with increased requirements to the environmental protection, searching for an acceptable compromise solution aimed at reducing harmful emissions from the internal combustion engine with minimal decrease in its power and an increase in the fuel consumption becomes an urgent task. Measures to reduce carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides are multidirectional. The paper proposes to form the working process of a medium-speed diesel engine as power increases successively with a single-phase stepped, two- and three-phase fuel injection pulses. Reducing the cycle maximum temperature and more complete oxidation of the combustion products makes it possible to lower the nitrogen oxide emissions by 30%, carbon monoxide by 70%, hydrocarbons by 40% and smoke emissions by 10% in the nominal and close operating modes of a diesel engine with insignificant deterioration in the fuel consumption (by 0.5%) compared to the single-phase supply.
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