Computing the ignition delay period for the tractor engine operation on the diesel fuel and rapeseed oil mixtures
Authors: Kartashevich A.N., Malyshkin P.Yu., Dargel R.S., Plotnikov S.A., Zabolotskikh G.E. | Published: 08.10.2024 |
Published in issue: #10(775)/2024 | |
Category: Energy and Electrical Engineering | Chapter: Turbomachines and Piston Engines | |
Keywords: diesel fuel, rapeseed oil, ignition delay period, first law of thermodynamics, fuel supply |
As of today, a large number of the combustion process models were developed. All of them were constructed on the pre-ignition preparatory processes rate dependence on the injected fuel heating and evaporation rate. The paper provides results of computing the ignition delay period of a diesel engine running on the diesel fuel and rapeseed oil mixture. Its ignition in combination with air is of a chain nature. Many empirical dependencies for calculating the ignition delay period are known. However, they provide different convergence between the computation results and the experimental data due to a large number of various coefficients. The paper proposes to determine the ignition delay period based on the first law of thermodynamics making it possible to ensure satisfactory agreement between the computed and experimental data analytically. The following assumptions are accepted to update the fuel ignition mathematical model: the fuel injection law is non-stationary; due to the fuel heating and evaporation, the charge temperature is decreasing; the evaporation rate depends on the fuel injection rate, time and temperature; the working fluid leakage is missing. The study results in development of a methodology to assess the mixed fuel composition influence on the autoignition mechanisms in the 4ChN11.0/12.5 diesel engine cylinder. The computation results analysis shows that introduction of the mixed fuel with rapeseed oil additives is accompanied by an increase in the ignition delay period and in the angle from the moment of fuel supply to the beginning of visible combustion by 1.0 ... 1.5 crankshaft rotations. A decrease in the heat sources power, if the heat transfer intensity remains unchanged, causes a decrease in the maximum and average cycle temperatures.
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