The application of the triboadaptivity principle to the highspeed diesel engine piston skirt profiling
Authors: Putintsev S.V., Anikin A.A., Ageev A.G. | Published: 06.05.2015 |
Published in issue: #5(662)/2015 | |
Category: Transportation and Power Engineering | |
Keywords: triboadaptivity principle, piston skirt profile, friction, mechanical losses, wear |
It is known that friction surface profiling largely determines the efficiency and reliability of a piston engine. However, the existing methods of profiling are not based on the objective matching or triboadaptivity principle, which minimizes friction and wear when technical and biological systems are in operation. In this paper the triboadaptivity principle was applied to solving the problem of rational piston skirt profiling in a high-speed diesel engine for the purpose of minimizing friction and wear in a cylinder-piston assembly. The research has shown that when the key parameters of the barrel type skirt profile are obtained using this principle, it results in the reduction of mechanical losses and wear in comparison with traditional piston designs.
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