The Influence of Crystal Lattice Type on the Process of Chip Formation During Cutting
Authors: Kabaldin Y.G., Kuzmishina A.M. | Published: 06.07.2017 |
Published in issue: #7(688)/2017 | |
Category: Technology and Process Machines | |
Keywords: crystal lattice, stacking fault energy, brittle fracture, chip formation zone, segmented chips |
The mechanism of jointed (segmented) chip formation at high cutting speeds is considered. It is shown that this phenomenon is associated with an increase in the yield strength of the metal and a reduction in its ductility with an increase in the cutting speed, and consequently in the rate of deformation. The increase in the rate of deformation with the increasing cutting speed creates a less energy-intensive brittle mechanism of chip element fracture. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in the degree of deformation of the cut layer, cutting forces and chip shrinkage. The effect of the type of crystal lattice of the machined material on the appearance of the chips is manifested through the stacking fault energy that affects the formation of the dislocation structure in the chip formation zone, which determines the output parameters of the cutting process, i.e. resistance to plastic deformation, cutting forces, degree of deformation and shrinkage of the cut layer.
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