Design and development of an experimental setup for the hydrodynamic research
Authors: Isaev A.I., Kudryavtsev A.A., Molokova S.V. | Published: 04.09.2024 |
Published in issue: #9(774)/2024 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | Chapter: Aerodynamics and Heat Transfer Processes in Aircraft | |
Keywords: hydrodynamic research, experimental setup, hydro-flume, hydro-pool, flow visualization |
Computer technologies are making it possible to solve complex problems in the computational fluid dynamics and perform an express analysis of various flow configurations including those poorly studied. However, numerical simulation of the poorly studied flows requires assessing reliability of the obtained results, which could be carried out based on their comparison with the data obtained in a full-scale hydrodynamic experiment. The hydrodynamic research method for incompressible flows accompanied by visualization of the tinted liquid flow is taken as the basis in design and development of the experimental setup. The method advantage lies in its high clarity and information content with minimum energy costs for the experiment. The correct implementation of the specified hydrodynamic research method, along with ensuring the necessary volume of the experimental setup working part, requires solving the problems of ensuring liquid calming in the working volume and reducing its turbulence in supply to the sample under study. When liquid passes to the working volume, even at the low flow rates, extensive turbulence zones arise leading to alteration in the flow structure in the studied area and to distortions in the flow lines. The proposed experimental setup is a hydro-pool. It provides the working liquid necessary volume to accommodate the study object and the required hydrodynamic conditions at its input, as well as significant reduction in the free turbulence intensity in the working volume at the liquid supply.
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