Research of the Capillary Phase Separator for Fuel Tanks of Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines at Evaporation of Cryogenic Components
Authors: Avraamov H.I., Pelevin F.V., Sapozhnikov V.B., Sintsov A.L. | Published: 29.10.2015 |
Published in issue: #10(667)/2015 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | |
Keywords: liquid propellant rocket engine, multiple launch, inter-tank device, capillary phase separator |
Stable operation of rocket engines is associated, among other factors, with continuous supply of fuel components through the feed line to the propulsion unit, without discontinuity of the flow. This is particularly important for aircraft working on cryogenic components because during the evaporation process the flow continuity may be disrupted. One of the promising technical solutions for fuel intake from the fuel tank without gas inclusions is the use of capillary intake devices. However, when capillary phase separators (CPS) are in operation in fuel tanks with cryogenic fuel components in the distribution and storage modes, there may appear situations where evaporation processes have a significant impact on the operation of the system. These processes are not well understood. The study presents a schematic of the installation for determining the influence of evaporation on the operation of the CPS, with a description of its main blocks. Methods are developed for determining the relative surface area of liquid evaporation in CPS, the parameters of free-convection liquid evaporation off the mesh of the phase separator, both of flat and cylindrical shape.
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