Topology Optimization of the Turbine Disk Structure under Thermomechanical Loads
Authors: Bui V.P., Prokopov V.S., Gavryushin S.S., Papazafeiropoulos G. | Published: 15.04.2019 |
Published in issue: #4(709)/2019 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | Chapter: Aircraft Strength and Thermal Modes | |
Keywords: topology optimization, MMA algorithm, minimization of compliance, axisymmetric structure, additive manufacturing |
This article presents a study of topology optimization to obtain a new form of an axisymmetric structure using mathematical tools of solid body mechanics and finite elements analysis and taking into account the effect of thermal and mechanical loads. The problem of minimizing the compliance of a rotating turbine disk is solved sequentially, with a given of the volume constraint. First, temperature distribution is obtained in the design area, then the problem of determining the stress-strain state is solved taking into account the thermo-effect, and finally, topology optimization is performed using the moving asymptotes method. The results of calculations for different optimization scenarios are compared: operating at different volume fractions and different rotational speeds of the turbine disk; with and without thermal loading. A comparison of the optimized model obtained by implementing the developed program in the MATLAB environment, and structures created using ANSYS APDL and ABAQUS (TOSCA) is presented. The form of the optimized disk allows its manufacturing by both traditional as well as additive methods.
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