Determination of the thermal battery effective thermal conductivity by the parametric identification methods
Authors: Borschev N.O. | Published: 27.12.2023 |
Published in issue: #1(766)/2024 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | Chapter: Aircraft Strength and Thermal Modes | |
Keywords: phase transition, thermal regime support system, conjugate directions method, iterative regularization method |
The paper proposes a method for parametric identification of the effective thermal conductivity coefficient as a function of the thermal accumulator temperature in the form of an element supporting the thermal regime system. This device operates on the melting – crystallization principle under the cyclic thermal load, which is typical for instrumentation equipment operating in the spacecraft system in the Earth orbits. Thermal regime of the battery under study is considered in the atmospheric conditions, i.e. under the radiant-convective thermal action. Assessing thermal regime of such a device is rather difficult due to uncertainty in its thermal interlayer conductivity position in the melting – crystallization section, since this process could be accompanied by the thermo-gravitational convection. The task of determining effective thermal conductivity of the device under study is one of the most important in designing a thermal system. To identify the effective thermal conductivity coefficient of the melting substance as a function of temperature, the problem of finding the minimum root-mean-square error between the theoretical and experimental temperature fields at the temperature sensors installation points was solved. The conjugate direction method was chosen as the numerical optimization method being the most accurate technique in the first order convergence.
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