Structural optimization in designing the prefabricated carbide tools with the cutting edge of a shaped profile
Authors: Chaevskiy P.A., Grubyi S.V. | Published: 20.01.2025 |
Published in issue: #1(778)/2025 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Technology and Equipment for Mechanical and Physico-Technical Processing | |
Keywords: structural optimization, assembled tool, replaceable multi-faceted insert, additive criterion, shaped profile, shaped tool |
The paper proposes a method for structural optimization in designing the assembled carbide tools with the shaped cutting edges making it possible to reduce production costs by unifying the range of workpieces, holders and bodies of the special and specialized cutting tools, taking into account production capabilities of a wide range of the machine-engineering enterprises. It considers the optimization criteria and provides the criteria quantitative assessment. Designs of the prefabricated tools with the shaped cutting edges using the standardized workpieces of the replaceable multi-faceted inserts are developed.
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