Determining the Axial Force in the Calculation of Axial Vibrations of the Piston Engine Crankshaft
Authors: Yamanin A.I. | Published: 26.02.2022 |
Published in issue: #3(744)/2022 | |
Category: Energy and Electrical Engineering | Chapter: Heat Engines | |
Keywords: crankshaft, axial vibrations, longitudinal compliance, disturbing force |
When calculating the axial vibrations of the piston engine crankshaft, the finite element method is preferable choice for determining the longitudinal (axial) disturbing force of the cranks. The article considers a practical way of finding it as a reaction of body parts to the loading of the crank by radial force. In contrast to calculations using empirical formulas, the proposed method allows taking into account tangential forces when determining the longitudinal compliance. The article shows the appropriateness of calculating the longitudinal vibrations of a full-size crankshaft of a piston engine by the finite element method in the Explicit formulation due to its informativeness.
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[23] Hitanshu T., Shraddha A., Mandeep S. A review paper on OPOC engine. Int. J. Therm. Technol., 2015, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 45–47.
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[25] Batrak Yu.A. ShaftDesigner software pack. Avtomatizatsiya proektirovaniya, 2012, no. 3, pp. 67–70. (In Russ.).
[26] Novikov D.S. Analiz vibratsii dvigatelya v sostave avtomobil’nogo silovogo agregata. Diss. kand tekhn. nauk [Analysis of engine vibrations in while a part of a vehicle power unit. Kand. tech. sci. diss.]. Moscow, NAMI Publ., 2013. 151 p. (In Russ.).