An Algorithm for Determining the Actual Speed of a Wheeled Vehicle to Ensure the Operation of an Automated Control System
Authors: Lobusov E.S., Zhileykin M.M. | Published: 06.07.2017 |
Published in issue: #7(688)/2017 | |
Category: Transportation and Power Engineering | |
Keywords: automated control system, algorithm for determining the actual speed, wheeled vehicle, planar movement |
This paper discusses issues related to designing an automated control system for a wheeled vehicle that entails obtaining reliable information about quantitative parameters of movement as well as predicting and diagnosing emergency situations (roll-over, skidding, etc.) There is extensive literature on the topic, mainly of foreign origin, that details the development and implementation of such systems. However, the models describing the interaction of the wheeled vehicle with the environment are rather complex and contain a large number of experimental parameters that have a high degree of uncertainty. Planar movement of the wheeled vehicle equipped with a standard set of instruments (accelerometers, sensors measuring angular velocity and steering wheel deviation angle) is considered. The difference between the theoretical speed of movement of the center of mass and a corresponding real speed of the vehicle is used as an indicator characterizing the movement of the wheeled vehicle. The former is determined by the geometrical parameters of the vehicle and the angles of wheel deviation, the latter requires measuring the real speed. It is proposed to implement an algorithm that estimates the actual speed based on the readings of accelerometers, the accuracy of which is ensured by periodic stopping of the vehicle.
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