Methods for Life-Extension and Increase of Reliability of Lubrication Systems in Internal Combustion Engines Used in Ground Transportation
Authors: Altunin V.A., Altunin K.V., Aliev I.N., Shchigolev A.A., Platonov E.N. | Published: 29.10.2015 |
Published in issue: #10(667)/2015 | |
Category: Technology and Process Machines | |
Keywords: lubricant channels, filters, nozzles, deposit formation, gas turbine engines, service life, reliability, economic feasibility |
The article describes problems in lubrication systems of piston and gas turbine internal combustion engines used in ground transportation. One of the main problems is associated with deposit formation in the lubricant input and output channels, and in the lubricant nozzles that causes premature engine failure. The existing methods to counter this negative process are investigated: deposit removal, growth curbing and deposit prevention. New methods of deposit control are proposed, without electrostatic fields, with electrostatic fields, and hybrid. An algorithm is developed that takes into account the deposit formation process and its control methods when designing, calculating, manufacturing and operating new lubrication systems for future engines with enhanced characteristics. New methods to start the engine in extreme climate and other conditions have been developed. Based on the analysis of scientific, technical and patented literature, and the results of experimental investigations, new methods have been developed to extend service life and increase reliability of engine lubrication systems for ground transportation.
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