Analysis of the Operating Modes of the Hybrid Underwater Robotic System
Authors: Veltishchev V.V., Aladysheva E.I. | Published: 20.05.2022 |
Published in issue: #6(747)/2022 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Robots, Mechatronics and Robotic Systems | |
Keywords: hybrid underwater vehicle, autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle, remotely operated underwater vehicle, towing mode, joint movement, working area |
In the modern world, performing oceanological research and underwater technological operations is impossible without using autonomous and remotely operated underwater vehicles. However, each of these types of vehicles has disadvantages limiting their application and allowing only narrow-profile tasks to be performed. To solve this problem, it is proposed to use a hybrid underwater robotic complex consisting of an autonomous and remote-controlled vehicles connected with a cable. The functionality of the proposed hybrid complex is determined. The results of the analysis of the mathematical models of hybrid complex operation in the modes of joint movement and towing are presented. Due to the restrictions imposed on the remotely controlled underwater vehicle and the cable between the vehicles, the speed of the hybrid underwater robotic complex is about 1 m/s in the joint motion mode and about 2 m/s in the towing mode. It is recommended to tow a remote-controlled underwater vehicle on a short cable length when the autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle is submerged. In addition, it is necessary to adjust the cable length between the devices.
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