Simulation modeling of a manipulator for solving the trajectory planning problems
Authors: Lyuchev Ya.V., Klyuchikov A.V., Pchelintseva S.V. | Published: 13.02.2025 |
Published in issue: #2(779)/2025 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Robots, Mechatronics and Robotic Systems | |
Keywords: inverse kinematics problem, trajectory simulation, Unity environment, simulation modeling, industrial manipulator |
The paper presents results of developing a software for visualizing the manipulator motion planning algorithms using the mathematical and simulation modeling tools. It considers the use of the Unity environment in developing the mathematical, physical and 3D simulation models of manipulators in the three-dimensional space. Besides, a possibility of calculating and visualizing the link motion trajectory is identified. Algorithms are compiled for software solution to the kinematic problems (direct and inverse) and manipulator planning methods to perform the technological and manipulative operations. Modules for visualizing the manipulator simulation model are implemented, including the manipulator, working scene and trajectory models. The results were tested on the example of the Kuka training manipulator. A full-scale experiment was conducted to compare the accuracy of computation in the developed software solutions.
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